HTIA Joins Coalition Letter Opposing Markup of PERA
HTIA Joins Coalition Letter Opposing PREVAIL Markup
HTIA Sends Joint Letter on Supply Chain Resilience
HTIA Urges Congress to Abandon PERA
HTIA Warns Congress on the Harms of the PREVAIL Act
HTIA Joins Congressional Letter on the USPTO's ANPRM
HTIA Proposes Issues for the Agenda of the House Subcommittee on Courts, IP, and the Internet
HTIA Proposes Issues for the Agenda of the Senate Subcommittee on Intellectual Property
HTIA Sends a Letter to USPTO Director Vidal with Formal Recommendations
HTIA Sends a Letter to USPTO Director Vidal with Recommendations on Key Issues
HTIA Sends Letter Congratulating PTO Director Kathi Vidal
HTIA Urges Congressional Judiciary Committees to Adopt Agenda Restoring AIA’s Intent
HTIA Joins SEP Policy Letter to Biden-Harris Administration
HTIA Jointly Sends Letter in Support of 2015 IEEE-SA Bylaw Updates
HTIA Sent a Joint Congressional Letter on SEP Licensing Abuses
HTIA Sends Joint Support Letter for 2015 IEEE-SA Bylaw Updates
HTIA Sends Joint Letter to the FTC on FTC v. Qualcomm